WOCFS is a user-space file-system which supports only append in files. It uses public-key cryptography to ensure that writen data is not readable or editable. This file-system situable for logging and archieving files on a not-totaly secure computer. It comes with an external program which decode files using the private key.
Of course, a person with sufficent privileges can always delete, copy, rename or append data to files, but he cannot read or edit the files unless he knows the RSA key, or he breaks RSA or AES cryptosystem.
WOCFS is wrote in C++, under GPL3, uses FUSE and gcrypt (RSA/AES256/SHA256).
Download: Ver 0.1 (17/07/11).
If you have any question, comment, idea, criticsm, please email me at firstname dot lastname at laposte dot net, where (firstname,lastname)=(michael,rao).